Espoo Town Hall Meeting March 2021


DATE:         March 16, 2021
TIME:          17:00 – 19:00
WHERE:     Microsoft Teams Meeting

1. Personal information

Are you an Espoo resident and a highly educated immigrant who is looking for career opportunities in Finland?

2. Educational background

Highest degree completed

3. Working experience

In which field(s) do you have experience from?

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What industry(ies) are you interested in?

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Where is your preferred work location? In which city/area you would like to work?

4. Describe your current  job-seeking situation

How long have you been looking for a job?

5. How do you describe your language proficiency ?

No Proficiency
Elementary Proficiency
Limited Working Proficiency
Language skills of a proficient user
Native / Bilingual Proficiency
Finnish language
English language

6. Have you heard about the local government trials on employment (työllisyyden kuntakokeilu)?

The responsibility for offering public employment services to unemployed, highly educated immigrants in Espoo will be transferred from TE-office to the city in the beginning of March. As a part of this transformation, City of Espoo is establishing a Center of Competence for Highly Educated Immigrants. 

What kind of support would be most valuable for you in designing your career in Finland?

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Please note - after registration, your personal data will be saved to the City of Espoo's Event register with Privacy Note.